About Us

Spectrovision Instruments Pvt. Ltd.

We are a leading supplier of gold testing instruments for jewellery retail stores, assay labs, refineries, and tunch facilities. Our instruments are also versatile for various applications, including forensic analysis, mineral analysis, geological sample testing, and quality control sample analysis.

Spectrovision Instruments Pvt. Ltd. embarked on its journey to success in 2018 with well-equipped corporate headquarter in Mumbai.

Our strengths are our people & our concepts. We are an experienced multidisciplinary team who believe in building long-term relationships with our clients and work "with" rather than "for" clients.

Spectrovision Today

Spectrovision has an experienced Research & Development team with more than 25 years of experience. With competent engineers, skilled people & qualified graduates with expertise in electronics, technical engineering and informatics we have been offering the best solutions. We also do regular updates for ensuring product innovation.

Spectrovision has developed a robust in-house production unit in India managed by skilled employees to come up with novel and quality assured products to meet client's requirements.

Sales and Service

We have been managing 7 sales offices with complete and prompt service assistance in India. We frequently train the local sales team and service engineers on ground-breaking products and the newest applications to offer clients precise support and suggestion on GoldStark products and services.